He'll reach home on 25th at around 3am..
Tonight his brother will most probably go drink with frens so i'll only try my luck to call him tomorrow night.. How to live w/o him till thurs?

Cool comment CLICK HERE !!!
Anyway about my results.. It dropped from 3.67 to 3.4 to 3.3 to 3.274 and now 3.173..
My clinical and attachments always drag me down..
Anyway I enjoyed the OT attachment more than the ED one.. In OT the nurses keep asking me why dun wanna work there after graduation.. Haha.. Got potential, proactive etc.. Thanks for the positive comments.. But i prefer Paeds medical wards..
And now I'm very poor.. Left with $45 to survive until thurs..
$950 a month.. $50 for hp bill, $200 for braces, $210 to $280 for driving, $200 for sch fees, $50 to pay back my mum cos owe her $$ for buying new comp.. and the rest is spent on transport and food..
Now is 3 weeks holi b4 i go TTSH Ward 7C with Zhu Yu for 3 wks Geron posting.. Then 1 wk holi b4 the 3 mths PRCP..
I look forward to graduating but not starting of work probably on 13th April.. Heex..
I'm missing my frens.. both sec and poly frens.. Hope can have more gatherings..
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